You might get an error android/asset_manager.h: No such file or directory
while making an NDK project.
The APP_PLATFORM has to be updated to android-14, which may fix the problem.
while making an NDK project.
The APP_PLATFORM has to be updated to android-14, which may fix the problem.
android-3 -> Official Android 1.5 system images
android-4 -> Official Android 1.6 system images
android-5 -> Official Android 2.0 system images
android-6 -> Official Android 2.0.1 system images
android-7 -> Official Android 2.1 system images
android-8 -> Official Android 2.2 system images
android-9 -> Official Android 2.3 system images
android-14 -> Official Android 4.0 system images
Also, make sure that both and is present in jni folder.
Supported headers are at